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timmiho·BoxedBuds·1529d10 reviews

Boxed buds - strawberry jerry - Dec 2020

Mom -boxedbuds - good service , packing and overall experience.

Strain - strawberry jerry 9.99/10

High - Another 69$ strain. Smells great looks great and kicks you in the head great. Everyone who sampled this loved it. This weed made non stoners convert for jan 1 !!!! 9.5/10 It t...
PopindaChopz98·BoxedBuds·1530d41 reviews

Wedding Cake - BoxedBuds - December 2020

Buds are a little leafy but lots of crystal, and good smoke. Smells excellent and great taste. Excellent value

Quality 8/10 Value 10/10
Harv90·BoxedBuds·1530d1 review

Boxed buds - yellow dream -dec 2020

I’m still waiting for my order hope its worth the wait
timmiho·BoxedBuds·1530d10 reviews

BOXEDBUDS - Northern lights -2020

Boxedbuds was the MOM - some fast service no hassle superb customer service

Strain - northern lights

Smell - has a very unique time warpish smell to it. I was hoping for some nostagia and it delivered . Everyone who smoked it always ended up in the 90s and or some rock concert bac...
timmiho·BoxedBuds·1530d10 reviews

Boxed buds - yellow dream -dec 2020

This one winked at me from it lack of description. One of the better 69$ for the risk takers .

Mom -boxed buds - great shipping packing and awesome deals with superior customer service. 10/10

Smell - very unique smell . Like ivory soap than berries .9/10

Potency - 2 joints...
1 · · ·52 53 54 55 56 · · ·150


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