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SunsetSesh·BoxedBuds·1546d7 reviews

Pink Kush & Sativa Special | BoxedBuds | December

Pink Kush:

This strain is definitely a couch locker. The smell comes off pretty earthy, but also a little fruity. Easily can stink up the whole room. The high is quite pleasing, and set in almost immediately. I felt very relaxed after my first rip. The comedown was fairly slow, and lasted...
party_goat·BoxedBuds·1546d9 reviews

Purple Kush/Gas Mask- Boxed Buds- November 2020

Purple Kush- at 99 bucks you can't go wrong the taste and odor was fantastic. As purple as it could possibly get. A great strain for the end of the day after work to lock into the couch. For 99 bucks its well worth the money.

Gas Mask- My favorite out of the 2. Also with a 99 dollar p...
drumist420·BoxedBuds·1546d12 reviews

NUKEN - Boxed Buds - Dec 2020

Nuken is a great strain with a great high. This strain gave me a nice little energy burst during my drum sessions and lasted the whole jam session. The smoke tastes good and burns nice and the price was right on this strain from Boxed Buds
paulliewallnuts·BoxedBuds·1546d6 reviews

Lemon Thai from Boxed Buds

Boxed Buds - Lemon Thai 8.5/10

The Lemon Thai buds were medium and small in size, well-trimmed, and dried to a good dryness level with a nice cure, The smell wasn’t too intense but with strong citrusy notes. The taste is lemon with a little mint and is a smooth smoke. It throws a nice Sat...
rikerj·BoxedBuds·1546d7 reviews

Bubba kush - boxedbuds - mid dec

High: great strong buzz, i highly recommend to anyone. Get smoke enough

Look: looks alitte underwelmining, small to medium sized bud, dense but grind up nicely

Smell and taste: awesome smell reminds of stuff id get in hs for twice the price. The taste is alright, i smoke bong....
1 · · ·60 61 62 63 64 · · ·150


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