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t0shie13·BoxedBuds·1707d56 reviews

Green Cookies - Boxed Buds - Late June

Trim was loose on this one. Nugs were decent size and lots of crystal. Smoked good, taste was great. I find it hard to complain at this price point but the trim could have been tidied up to make it more appealing
t0shie13·BoxedBuds·1707d56 reviews

Hashplant - Boxed Buds - Mid June

I enjoyed it. Strong nose. Nice buzz. Have some more on the way. Not sure if it’s the same batch or not. Kinda hoping it’s a different one. The one pictured could have used a better hair cut, still a great value though.
Spearheadjah·BoxedBuds·1712d46 reviews

Purple Goddess - Boxed Buds - June

Nice bag appeal, burns good, as a musky purple kinda smell/taste, I would definitely buy again
Budnkodi·BoxedBuds·1712d6 reviews

Holygrail - late May - boxedbuds

Bag appeal 7/10
Smell 8/10 (kushy)
High 8.5/10
Price 8/10

Overall good bud for the price, the bag appeal was lacking abit, but other than that id suggest it. Was originally 130$ minus 5% discount all customers get on every order after their first.
420revs·BoxedBuds·1714d15 reviews

Jedi Kush - Boxed Buds - June 2020

Overall 8.5/10

I had never tried this strain before, so I had no idea what to expect, I have to say I was pleased with my purchase. The quality for value is what brings me back to boxed buds.

It did not start off with the best impression, as the bag appeal on this batch is not grea...
1 · · ·85 86 87 88 89 · · ·150


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