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Edmantonbull·BoxedBuds·1782d5 reviews

Animal cookies / april22 / boxed buds

This stuff was sweet and sour smelling great taste and packs a punch couldn’t be more happy with it. Boxed buds always has quality stuff cheap very happy with them
HypeInFaMous·BoxedBuds·1783d241 reviews

Durban Poison - Boxedbuds - April

This had an interesting taste and smell that reminded me of wine gums. Came slightly dryer than I wanted although with a boveda it got to a solid moisture. Burned light and wasnt harsh. I found it to be pretty potent giving a great spacy relaxed head buzz that I really enjoyed. No burnout.

HypeInFaMous·BoxedBuds·1785d241 reviews

Riddler OG - Boxedbuds - April

Had a somewhat of a creamy smell. Had solid moisture. Smoke wasnt harsh and had light ash. Taste was similar to smell with some gassy and sweet nots. Buzz was nice and balanced feeling some relaxation nice light body buzz with a mid lvl head buzz feeling focused and euphoric.

Quality: ...
Grisue·BoxedBuds·1785d11 reviews

Animal Cookies - Boxed Buds - April 20

One of my favourite strains so far. Nice strong earthy taste and smell. Good value for a great price. 8/10
420revs·BoxedBuds·1786d15 reviews

Animal Cookies - Boxed Buds - April 2020

Quality: These frosty medium sized nuggets were a delightful surprise. They were rated AAA and that’s accurate. The buds although a respectable size are not dense. They are nice to grind up, not too sticky but still super dusty. Smells of GSC, and the taste is light and floral. This one is a cree...
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