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crystal crystal crystal, bodeva pack saved it’s life, white/grey ash & stoned in 3 bong rips

Canna Wholesalers Review
MOM Name Canna Wholesalers
Overall rating out of 10: 9/10
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Ordering & Pricing: I ordered on a Monday and it was confirmed delivered by Canada post on Wednesday. Overall everything was very speedy. I ordered more ex...
Overall rating out of 10: 9/10
Sign Up: Only an e-mail is required, no ID verification
Ordering & Pricing: I ordered on a Monday and it was confirmed delivered by Canada post on Wednesday. Overall everything was very speedy. I ordered more ex...

If you mean questionable accounts as in my reddit account being a seller for them? Hell no. Although I am new to reddit MOMs I don’t have affiliation with cannawholesalers. I usually buy my stuff from weedmaps and I am disappointed I spent $200 for this ounce of leafy greens. I look around on redd...

Lemon cake Canna Wholesalers Dec 2018
I love this strain. I’ve been smoking it for the past two weeks, really good smoke, not couch locking, good flavor not really like either of the mother plants, but nice by its own. that’s where it’s cake and not skunk or cheese name comes from I guess! 9/10 (because the smoke is heavy and I p...

This bud came in a sample pack of 10 strains ranging from AAA and above. I was very impressed with this pack as every strain I’ve tried from here has an entirely different and new taste and effect profile that I’ve been totally unfamiliar with. This level of quality is truly impeccable.

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