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Purple Space Cookies AAAA (cannawholesalers)

Lol at whoever downvoted this?
canadis420·CannaWholeSalers·2259d3 reviews

Black tuna, Cannawholesalers, December 24

Cannawholesalers order from December 24

Strain: black tuna AAAA

Customer service: 10/10 (ordered on dec 20, received on dec 24) email communication is very always very quick and usually receive tracking number within 24 hours.

Bag appeal 6/10
Lots of leaf and fluffy bu...
AimOrDie·CannaWholeSalers·2265d40 reviews

CannaWholesalers Dutch Hawaiian and Sherbert review

MOM Name


Overall rating out of 10:

9/10 I really like CWS but their packaging could be better.

Sign Up:

Simple and straightforward signup process. Doesn’t take many brain cells to figure it out.

Ordering & Pricing:

Very s...

God’s Gift - Cannawholesalers - December

Very Iced and Purple, bit on the dryer side though.

Cannawholesalers- Death Bubba shatter - Dec 17th

This is how 10g came. It seems to be worth the 20$ per gram but honestly I’ve made better shatter than this myself without a purge and drying it above my wood fireplace. Tastes okay but not as potent as I hoped. Seems to not have as much flavour as expected but still worth the 20 per gram.
1 · · ·38 39 40 41 42 · · ·75


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