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doom_416·CoastalWildfire·1629d22 reviews

Platinum Punch Remix BX - Coastal Wildfire (CWF) - September 8 2020

Heard lots of talk about this strain, particularly for its potency. Fortunate enough to pick up the last 2 cans. Here is my honest review on **Platinum Punch Remix BX**:

**Appearance**: Amazing bag appeal! Predominantly medium-sized buds in both cans. Buds are heavily coated in trichomes, ...

Juice Cake- CWF - Sept/2020

The strain itself i would give a solid 8 beauty nugs. And nose of literally fruit punch with a hint of pepper. The half oz came in 3 big nugs and 1 sm one i had one issue with it. Found a very sm area of mold on the inside of one of the fat nugs. But cwf was superb handling it and credited me for t...

Captains pink kush- CWF - sept 2020

It is real nice. Clean burn. Nose isnt super pungent but its still about a 5/10 Has the classic pk gas i love. And a nice kick to boot
doom_416·CoastalWildfire·1641d22 reviews

Juice Cake - Coastal Wildfire (CWF) - August 25 2020

This strain caught my eye last week, so I went and pulled the trigger. Here is my review on **JUICE CAKE**:

**Appearance**: Large, chunky buds! Lots of purple/violet undertones that make this have fantastic bag appeal.

**Aroma**: Danky aromas out the bag with some fruity undertone...
doom_416·CoastalWildfire·1641d22 reviews

Mimosa - Coastal Wildfire (CWF) - August 25 2020

So good, I ordered it a second time. Hands down the best Mimosa I’ve come across.

**Appearance**: mostly med-sized buds this time around, as previous batch had larger nugs. Lots of purple undertones throughout. Great trim and bag appeal, as expected with CWF’s ’Black Edition’ stuff....
1 · · ·22 23 24 25 26 · · ·81


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