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damasdahab·CoastalWildfire·1775d15 reviews

Cement Shoes - CWF - Feb 2020

Reeks of wedding cake and gas to me, reminds me a lot of poncho icc. Just tried a small j and got blasted, very strong euphoria and couch lock. Also got a huge 7.2g bud!

Q 9 V 9 (excellent price with first time 15%)
Badboog·CoastalWildfire·1778d19 reviews

Cream Candy (Cleanermeds)-CWF- 18 February

Packaging- 9,5/10

Value- 9,5/10 ( 180$ for 4x7g whit code)

Qualité- 9/10

Originality- 9/10

Bud apparence- 8,5/10 (small to medium )

Smell- 9/10 (sweet Candy ,caramel)

Taste- 9/10 (Cream ,Candy)

Burn- 9,5/10 (perfect h...
brownsyndrome·CoastalWildfire·1778d52 reviews

Peyote Punch / Coastal Wild Fire / Feb 17th

Been a while since I had a sativa so this was a very refreshin can to crack open. Sweet & Sour fruit terps with a hint of citrus and diesel. Half Oz came in basically 3 big chunky monkeys like this. Very airy a fluffy but grinds up nice and sticky.

Value: 8/10, Quality: 8/10
brownsyndrome·CoastalWildfire·1781d52 reviews

Cement Shoes / Coastal Wild Fire / Feb 14th

Smell was kind of mute of this one, but everything else about it is solid. Buds are well trimmed with awesome bag appeal, smoked smoothly, and got me really baked. Layered, full body high that lulls you into a nice sleep with the burnout.

Value: 8.5, Quality, 8.8/10

More pics of t...
mfvacca·CoastalWildfire·1782d6 reviews

Cement shoes • Coastal wildfire • Feb 11

Value 8/10 quality 10/10 this sure fucks you up
1 · · ·39 40 41 42 43 · · ·81


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