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Okeefe40200·CoastalWildfire·1855d5 reviews

Yoda OG Cwf mid January 2020

Value 8/10 quality 9/10

Bag appeal was really good nice dense sticky nugs the purple really made it more appealing to the eyes
Burned nice and clean with a grey/white ash

The smell was a mix of gas and almost a cheeses smell but the flavours was kinda fruity on the exhale ...

Apple Pie - CWF - Jan

Quality 8/10 Value 7.5/10


Smooth smoke, was able to finish the whole joint by myself (I usually start coughing half way through the joint when I smoke, but I only had a slight itch in my throat after finishing the whole thing). First thing I remember was the smell comi...
mikad0toba·CoastalWildfire·1864d2 reviews

Sour Skittlez - Beautiful BC Flowers/CWF- Jan

Quality - 9/10 Value 8/10

The nose on this stuff is very sweet and candy smelling. Buds are nice and sticky, good trich coverage and color on it. Great smell transfers over to the smoke fairly well, has a classic sativa taste to it as well. Burn is smooth and fairly clean ash.
bozzbizz·CoastalWildfire·1864d13 reviews


Man this shit dannnnks , super kushy gas smell, smoke is alright though , Ash is salt and pepper. overall 7/10 .
But man does this shit reeeeek in the best way
bozzbizz·CoastalWildfire·1868d13 reviews

Coastal wildfire - Concord Cream

Enjoyed the terps on this one , not super potent but bought this for the terp profile and it didn’t disappoint and burned clean
1 · · ·43 44 45 46 47 · · ·81


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