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nevertoomany·CoastalWildfire·1977d65 reviews

Flavor Crystals #2 - CWF - Late July 2019

Another Nameless Pheno hunt strain. I’m terrible at describing scents, I’ll just say this one s,ells a little weird...can’t put my finger on it. Very sticky and lots of crystals. Not my fave of the pheno hunts i received but not bad and worth the price for sure.
nevertoomany·CoastalWildfire·1977d65 reviews

OG Kush - CWF - Late July 2019

Another Nameless strain, but from their regular lineup, not a pheno hunt strain. What i would expect from an OG Kush, nice mellow night time smoke. I would try some other Nameless strains before coming back to this one, it’s not bad but not amazing either. Price is right though, worth it for wh...
nevertoomany·CoastalWildfire·1977d65 reviews

Apricot Irene x Jelly Breath - CWF - Late July 2019

This one is a sativa from the pheno hunt line, thought to me the effects are more typical indica feeling. Nice and sticky, nice nose, smokes well. Good buy at the price, not sure it would be worth their usual high prices though..
nevertoomany·CoastalWildfire·1977d65 reviews

Fruit Chew - CWF - Late July 2019

Another pheno hunt, one of my faves that i received. Well grown and cured, nice buzz, smells great...i’m a fan of this one.

Garlic Breath #2 - CWF - July 2019

Would have to say kind of cheesy/fresh? Was a bit muted to me. The best description of a smell would be cheese. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
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