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deliriumxy·CoastalWildfire·2081d3 reviews

XOLBG / CWF/ June 2019

A lot of popcorn in this can. Buds were sticky. Vaped two bowls. Terps were pink kush with some extra subtleties, pretty nice. First impression was that potency was okay, but not knock out punch like advertised. For the price I expected far less popcorn. Need more time to really decide if this was w...
xadescozy·CoastalWildfire·2082d44 reviews

Xolbg-CWF-Mid June

One word. Underwhelming.
Pitsy96·CoastalWildfire·2083d42 reviews

Xolbg - cwf - June 13th

Repost as I posted the wrong picture earlier bahaha. Smoked a little joint earlier and woke up 3 hours later, this the type of weed that will have you walking around like a zombie the rest of the day. Crazy sticky, buds came out in shape of can. Definitely one of hardest hitters I’ve had in a long...
xadescozy·CoastalWildfire·2083d44 reviews

Tuna kush-CWF-Mid June

Small,sticky stinky nugs. Really fills the room when you open the can. Burns well, heavy kush taste & clean ash. Trim isnt great but the nose is amazing and the nugs are pretty caked. Definitely a clear stoney effect, im diggin it.
phlups·CoastalWildfire·2083d23 reviews

XOLBG - Coastal Wild Fire - June 2019

I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for hype. When I see a few people post comments like ’this is the craziest weed ever’, I have to know if it’s the same for me. I have to know if the hype is real. So when I saw a few people get really excited and post claims of ’fire’ and CWF entering this i...
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