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partsman34·CoastalWildfire·2104d5 reviews

3X Crazy CWF May 2019

Just came in the mail. Will review later going to let it sit in jar for couple hours after letting it air for a bit.

But wow can appeal and can’t wait to try.
3afia·CoastalWildfire·2105d2 reviews

Lemon Meringue CWF May 2019

Nose: Lemon, Taste: 1st) Lemon 2nd) Sweet 3rd) slight herbal undertone, using a Dynavap. ’Sativa’ type of high (stimulating and not much fatigue afterwards) Have not smoked it.
chuchon06·CoastalWildfire·2108d12 reviews

Tuna Kush - CWF - May 2019

I find that bud looks different depending on the light source. This is inside the house
Flannmaster·CoastalWildfire·2109d6 reviews

Peanut Butter Breath, Coastal Wild Fire, May 2019

Very unique taste and smell not quite sure what to compare it too, taste very good vaped and holy is it potent. Another great strain from coastal.

CWF - Tuna Kush - May

wow. This is absolutely beautiful, I’ve been hunting a legit tuna strain for quite some time, you can smell that unique tuna smell as soon as you dip the lid opener in the can, the entire room gassed out. Absolutely satisfied with this can of fire.
1 · · ·59 60 61 62 63 · · ·81


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