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wtfrightnowman·DNMN·1963d43 reviews

pink kush - dnmn - august 2019

MOM Name : dispensary near me now (dnmn)

Sign Up: easy dont ask for id and get accepted as soon as i made it.

Ordering & Pricing: he offered a mix 14g sample pack for free, only had to pay the 20$ shipping fee. came with an extra 150 mg shipwreck edible because he had to chan...
wtfrightnowman·DNMN·1963d43 reviews

deathstar og - dnmn - august 2019

MOM Name : dispensary near me now (dnmn)

Sign Up: easy dont ask for id and get accepted as soon as i made it.

Ordering & Pricing: he offered a mix 14g sample pack for free, only had to pay the 20$ shipping fee. came with an extra 150 mg shipwreck edible because he had to chan...
fathyphene·DNMN·1963d1 review


Nothing but good things here. Heard about a great opportunity opted to take a look and here you have it. 4 wonderful strains all looking unique. The Lambs Bread nug is huge the rest medium that said all clean. Shipping was great came so fast even through the holiday weekend. Dispensarynearme got it ...
wtfrightnowman·DNMN·1964d43 reviews

lamb's bread - dnmn - august 2019

MOM Name : dispensary near me now (dnmn)

Sign Up: easy dont ask for id and get accepted as soon as i made it.

Ordering & Pricing: he offered a mix 14g sample pack for free, only had to pay the 20$ shipping fee

Communication: didint need to talk with anyone for my ord...
1 · · ·26 27 28 29 30


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