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onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1555d27 reviews

Gelato - GanjaGrams - December

Value 8/10 Quality 8.5/10

This strain is a beast! I'm and everyday, multiple times a day, smoker. But this one, put me on my ass in a hurry! Too much will make you become one with your bed, and blankets. Just enough, and you'll have zipped up energy for hours! The way down is nice...
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1558d44 reviews

Nepali - GanjaGrams - Nov.29,2020

Review: First time trying this strain. And it's a pretty good Indica strain. Very aromatic with earthy and tropical tones. Has floral hints as well. I really like the citrus and berry after taste it gives. Buzz is very chill and meditative. Definitely a body high. Flowers are well-cryatallized! ...
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1558d44 reviews

Chocolope - GanjaGrams - Nov. 29, 2020

Review: Awesome Sativa strain. Very aromatic with sweet and earthy tones. I really like the coffee after taste it gives. Buzz is very euphoric and relaxing. Very very uplifting. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Good price for a potent effect. Two thumbs up for sure!
onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1563d27 reviews

Grape mimosa - GanjaGrams - November

Value 7/10 Quality 8.5/10

So, needless to say, this is definitely not the strain to smoke the second you break your two week t-break. Veeeery heavy hitting. I was super focused and and aware of my surroundings. Sativa dominant strains always tweak me a bit which is why I tend to stay away...
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1566d44 reviews

Girl Scout Cookies - GanjaGrams - Nov.21, 2020

1 · · ·25 26 27 28 29 · · ·50


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