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onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1625d27 reviews

Chocolope - GanjaGrams - September

Value 8/10
Quality 9/10

Very happy with this Chocolope. Its fresh, tasty and has a nice buzz. Great choice for anyone looking for a daytime smoke. Its good quality sativa!
Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1625d31 reviews

Purple space cookies - GanjaGrams - September 2020

Value 8/10
Quality 9.5/10

This is amazing. Smells and looks incredible. Very strong Indica that doesn’t seem to couchlock me at all if I am busy. The buds are all huge and perfectly cured and trimmed. It is expensive but you get what you pay for. I would buy again for sure.
Jhenebaby·GanjaGrams·1644d1 review

MANGO HAZE – GanjaGrams – SEPTEMBER 3, 2020

look: green with bright orange postal’s
taste- very fruity
smell: mango with a sour /spicy undertone
smoke: smooth
and effect : happy, relaxed, helps with anxiety, depression & pain
onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1652d27 reviews

Do si dos - GanjaGrams - august

Quality 8/10
Value 8/10

Great success!
Such a great strain, got it as a gift, was great to try! Felt it was a strong high, definitely makes ya hungry as it states! Great to smoke before a meal.
Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1652d31 reviews

Blue fin tuna - GanjaGrams - late August

Value 7.5/10
Quality 9/10

I discovered with this that I’m definitely an indica smoker! The buds have a great smell and taste, excellent ”full” buzz, excellent all the way, one of my favorites, highly recommended!!!
1 · · ·28 29 30 31 32 · · ·50


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