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ks710·GanjaGrams·1828d1 review

Green skittles live resin thca - ganjagrams - 02/03/2020

it is a concentrate of small diamonds, this live resin tastes and smells really good, it is a very powerful concentrate thats kicks really hard and it is perfect for sleeping.
Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1853d31 reviews

Alien OG - GanjaGrams - February 2020

Quality 10/10
Value 10/10

The buds are very nice looking and the Trichomes are frosty, it looks absolutely amazing! it has a nice pine/gas smell to it and it gets you super high, its an uplifting and relaxing kind of high which I love, perfect for zoning out. Such a great strain at an a...
Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1853d31 reviews

Alien OG - GanjaGrams - February 2020

Value 8.5/10
Quality 10/10
s7en·GanjaGrams·1868d1 review

Darth Vader OG - GanjaGrams - January 2020

Value: 8.5/10

Quality: 9

I was able to pickup an ounce of this Darth Vader OG during a flash sale for $137 with shipping, Darth Vader OG is one of my all time favorite indicas and ganjagrams did a fantastic job with this one. The flavour tastes muted with a bit of sweet berry, with...

Strawberry Cheesecake - GanjaGrams - Jan 2020

**please note these are the last few buds I have.. whoopsie.. will have better pics next time**

Appearance - 8/10: well trimmed, succulent buds, not too frosty on the outside but just open up a crown and let the shining begin baby — just 3 grams of this stuff had the kief compartment comp...
1 · · ·33 34 35 36 37 · · ·50


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