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laybak·GanjaGrams·2591d18 reviews

Fruit Loops - Ganjagrams - $20 1/8 - Boxing Week

As usual with this strain, it’s very colourful. I smoked some a week or 2 ago and felt it was on the weaker side. I’ll go try it again in a bit and report back.
terrorifics·GanjaGrams·2598d43 reviews

Rootbeer 'shatter' - Ganjagrams - 20$g - January

Ive had their cheap shatter called black widow shatter on 3 or 4 different orders and its the same price

The consistancy is the difference. I am not fucking impressed with this ’shatter’ being complete poop soup.

I ordered it so i could touch it with my fingers to roll into a b...
NatheShatter·GanjaGrams·2608d23 reviews

(Pink kush pho by holistek)-(Ganjagrams)-(35$/0.5)-(January 11)

Sauce consistency,flavor is like dabbing a rose honestly I can’t describe it with other words lol,really smooth on the exhale effect aren’t the strongest compared to shatter but from my experience I always get a more euphoric buzz with pho,sugar wax,fse etc. I also like the little glass jar they...
terrorifics·GanjaGrams·2631d43 reviews

Lemon Kush Budder - - $25g or 5x$100g

Very Lemony. Good for the price in terms of potency and effect.

Have purchased these lemon budders on 3 different orders
NatheShatter·GanjaGrams·2633d23 reviews

[Mango haze]-[Ganjagrams]-[20$ 1/8oz]-[December 18]

Haven’t tasted it yet strong fruity smell almost remember me the Nuken a bit.The nugs are frosty af for the price it looks like some solid AAA
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