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StonerSteve64·GanjaGrams·2689d474 reviews

Purple Space Cookies - GanjaGrams - $280/oz - 10-18-17

A really smooth/ sweet smoke that I really enjoyed! It’s loaded with trichomes and has a sweet almost grape like taste. The nugs are very sticky and hard to break up.

A solid body buzz with uplifting effects; another great hybrid :)

I highly recommend this bud from Ganjagrams!
StonerSteve64·GanjaGrams·2689d474 reviews

Darth Vader OG - GanjaGrams - $10 for 1g - 10-18-17

Look at the purple!!

This one is a real looker but also get’s the job done! A strong Indica with earthy/spicy taste that knocks you out. Another sticky/danky bud from Ganjagrams that I’m loving :)

It’s currently not on their menu but if it come back I will be re ordering thi...
StonerSteve64·GanjaGrams·2690d474 reviews

UBC Chemo - GanjaGrams - $140/oz - 10-18-17

Wow at $140/oz I have no problem saying this one one of the best bang for your buck deals out there!

Extremely dense nugs that caked in trichomes. Super woody/forest taste that tickles your throat in a good way.

One of my favourite Indica’s for sleep/pain and this one delivers b...
StonerSteve64·GanjaGrams·2690d474 reviews

Purple Space Cookies - GanjaGrams - $280/oz - 10-18-17

Yes it’s some quality bud but people with a lower budget may not agree; based on price alone.
captcrunch·GanjaGrams·2692d120 reviews

Pre-rolled joint from Ganjagrams - Freebie with order, no listed price - Oct 17th

A nice surprise. Haven’t smoked it yet. Planning on smoking it later on an evening walk with my wife. I’ll edit this comment later with my opinion of it!
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