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Kush Mints Gizmo Crafts February 22 free sample incentive

Why is there booze and bullets in the shots? Lol
Chayse247·GizmoCrafts·1116d12 reviews

Ghost OG | Gizmocrafts | Late January ??

I'm going to attempt to post this for a 3rd time, I hope all is clear and that this one stays up, I have confirmed that it follows the rules.

Been a while since I've posted, still popping in here a few times a week and always appreciate everyones reviews. I usually go with HVE (a...
Stonerscotian·GizmoCrafts·1117d402 reviews

Budget Exotic Gas - Gizmo Craft - February 2022

By no means in quality this is a budget, priced at 109 a zip before any discounts. The buds are a milky teal green color, with deep frosty purple hueing. Theres a unique foxtailing and wild fire orange hairs. Trimmed pretty well and cured to complete perfection. The buds were sticky. The aroma is of...
420-till-death·GizmoCrafts·1117d27 reviews

Greasy runts/gizmocraft/feb2022

Greasy runtz                             Gizmocraft

? -super crystaly  hand trimmed medium sized buds .It's dark green looks light in some places do to crystal build up .Nice orange hairs. Some dark green leaves.  Very nice looking flower. 8/10
Stonerscotian·GizmoCrafts·1117d402 reviews

Budget Girl Scout Cookies - Gizmo Craft - February 2022

These buds are frosted right out with dusty amber trichomes. Has a darker green happening with a yellow tinge. Trimmed extremely well and cured to complete perfection aswell. The buds had a pretty well rock hard density. The aroma was of a succelent doughy sour sweet fruityness with slight hints of ...
1 · · ·12 13 14 15 16 · · ·85


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