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Rayumi·GizmoCrafts·1214d334 reviews

Smorez - Gizmocrafts - October 2021

Scent - has a sweet marshmallow and earthy funk.

Visual - pretty frosty all over. With deep purples and dark green to go with the deep amber hairs

Smoke/burn - white and black ash. Smooth and a bit heavy. Big oil ring.

Exhale - earthy sweet funk exhale.

Rayumi·GizmoCrafts·1214d334 reviews

GGC Shatter - Gizmocrafts - October 2021

Scent - has a sweet tropical funk with the classic shatter lipid smell.

Visual - all stuck onto glass hard to get off. The actual shatter is starting to sugar a bit and is a dark yellow.

Smoke/burn - a bit heavy but overall enjoyable. Burns a dark yellow.

Exhale - a...
Rayumi·GizmoCrafts·1215d334 reviews

Goji OG Distillate Cart - Gizmocrafts - October 2021

Scent - has a sweet fruity smell of the vapour

Visual - light distillate. White tip.

Smoke/burn - smooth vapour. Pulls well. Hasn't clogged and I've used half

Exhale - a sweet earthy berry exhale

Effects - your classic distillate high. Just a mode...
its-just-crack·GizmoCrafts·1216d6 reviews

Mike Tyson- Gizmo Crafts- Oct 28

What a beautiful flower! Checks off all boxes for me came sticky yet with nice density and heads that I could see even clinging to my fingers, so I was very excited to try!

The structure of the buds are very wide and spade shaped with some curly bright orange hairs. my favourite part is ...
its-just-crack·GizmoCrafts·1216d6 reviews

Tuna diamonds- Gizmo Crafts- Oct 28

These were tasty diamonds with crazy potency. Big Thankyou to gizmo crafts again! When smoking this I got a lot of earthy smells with a sweet liquorice taste. really some nice tasting stuff even for diamonds. The size of them isn’t the most impressive but it makes up for that with its complex high...
1 · · ·43 44 45 46 47 · · ·85


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