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shadowbudz420·GizmoCrafts·1219d42 reviews

The one - Gastown fire / gizmocrafts

This is an indica strain, I’ve never tried it before but was really impressed. It’s gassy, looks picture perfect and is pretty potent. The high doesn’t feel very heavy at first but once it creeped in I felt couch locked and sedated.

Q 9/10 V 8.5/10
PLUR_TOKES·GizmoCrafts·1220d99 reviews

Platinum Blueberry - Gizmo - October 2021

Nice indica dominant hybrid strain. I usually go for heavy indicas but I felt like trying something a bit lighter. The buds are dense, well trimmed and caked with trichomes. This strain literally smells like a bag of skittles candy. Grinds up fluffy. Tastes like blueberry but with a kush aftertaste....
PLUR_TOKES·GizmoCrafts·1221d99 reviews

DeathStar - Private Acmpr / Gizmo - October 2021

This is a hybrid strain. I’ve heard that this is the strain that is crossed with bubba kush to create death bubba so I thought I’d give it a try. Very fresh dense resiny nugs, trimmed well, good coat of crystals covering it, and it smells and tastes gassy. I felt the effects lean more to the ind...
PLUR_TOKES·GizmoCrafts·1222d99 reviews

White Walker Bubba - CleanerMeds / Gizmo - October 2021

This is a potent indica strain, I’ve always been a huge fan of bubba kush and love trying new variations, so I had to give this a try. The nugs are gassy, dense and caked with crystals. Earthy smell. The buds are well trimmed and are a very nice range of dark and lime green mixed with purple, cove...
jai4o·GizmoCrafts·1222d1 review

Black Diamond - Gizmo Crafts - October 2021

1 · · ·45 46 47 48 49 · · ·85


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