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We specialize in exotic quads and greenhouse $100 ozs
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Sen0505·GrassCove·1363d4 reviews

Pink Rockstar-Grasscove-March 2021

So I just grabbed this bulk order of some Pink Rockstar from Grasscove and split it with some of my buddies. I was really impressed off the bat with its bag appeal and strong nose. I ordered this through their discord so I got an amazing deal on it (
Sen0505·GrassCove·1399d4 reviews

Space Pink-Grasscove-Feb 2021

Had to post a picture of this beautiful strain. Missed my ticket to the moon with GME so I punched a one way ticket with this Space Pink and a side of cosmic brownies LOL. But for real this weed was some serious gas! Im usually a fan of gassy indica, and this definitely was gassy and packed a seriou...
weedmanreviewer·GrassCove·1406d1 review

GRASSCOVE - FEB 15th 2021 - Park Fire Slurricane (AAAA)

willey12345·GrassCove·1507d17 reviews

Grasscove- October 2020th - Alien Blaze shatter pen 500mg CHECKMYCOMMENTS!!!

Thanks for advice, battery thing has made me a person who would not buy any disposable pens lol. Seems like a waste if you can’t finish your cart. Rechargeable pen with disposable carts would be the best imo. As for quality, getting a definitive garbage vibe but as you said and I will say it again...
Stonerscotian·GrassCove·1642d402 reviews

Pink Gas - GrassCove - June 2020

Fresh with a bit of sticky. Mild gassy nose. Slow burn with smooth pink tasting smoke, okay trim few bits of leaf here an there, especially on the smaller buds. Mostly medium to large buds, only downfall I was expecting this to be a tad more potent..

Rated AAAA+ by them and valued at 220 a...
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