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Green Society is your trusted online dispensary in Canada, offering a premium selection of cannabis strains, edibles, and concentrates to meet your physical and mental needs. Whether you're seeking relief or simply looking to enhance your lifestyle, Green Society provides top-shelf products designed to help you live better and happier. Ordering is simple and secure—just choose your products, and they’ll arrive discreetly at your door. Need help finding the right strain or dosage? Their dedicated customer support team is ready to assist. Looking for savings? Check out for Green Society deals, coupons, and reviews from genuine customers to help you get the best value when buying weed online in Canada.
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boostedGT03·GreenSociety·2586d7 reviews

Green Society house blend shatter $60/3G Jan 18

My 2nd order with these guys and no complaints, great customer service and quick processing/shipping. I had to jump on the sale for 3Gs at $60+shipping, I got 2 packs and they both weighed over! I ended up with like 6.9Gs :) the sale should be over but as of this morning it wasn’t so I have more o...
massivepoopies·GreenSociety·2589d7 reviews

House shatter - green society - $60/3g

Used their $10 off first order promo. This came to $68 after shipping. Packaging was well done. Inside folded cardboard then placed in a bubble mailer.

Burns clean. No residue left in the banger. Very slight green flavour similar to some trim shatter. It’s advertised as bud run which I b...
hoobey72·GreenSociety·2592d13 reviews

Scooby snacks $165 oz, February 2, 2018. Green society.

A shout out to green society for making good on their promise to ’throw in a little something’after an e transfer mishap and later than expected delivery time. Couple of pre-rolls, 1.5g of Alaskan thunder fuck which smells and looks amazing, package of edible and papers etc. Haven’t tried the ...
VanNinja888·GreenSociety·2600d12 reviews

Cali big bud by Green Society $69 per 7grams

Got 7 grams of there cali big bud and damn impressed super gassy nose dense nugs pre frosted. 2 of the nugs came in my package weigh out to 7.35g. Golf ball size nugs very potent great indica. 9/10 little leafy
Huynguyyyen·GreenSociety·2602d16 reviews

Agent orange - 110 half ounce green society

Love this strain, great orange exotic smell. super smooth and suuuuper tasty. great nugs, great trim no leaves, and very dense nugs.

1 · · ·61 62 63 64 65 · · ·70


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