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RaNdMViLnCE·GreenSociety·2587d120 reviews

Headband - - $157/oz(sale) - Nov 22/17

This hybrid has kind of a lemony undertone to it, nugs are nice and frosty, hits super smooth in a bong, very little choke factor.
Pretty decent body buzz without too much sedation.
Head stayed clear as well.

It’s on a pretty decent sale right now @157. Good value for what it is.
SushinWasabi·GreenSociety·2588d79 reviews

Sunshower(75mg) - Baked(Green Society) - $ ( ?? ) - 20 - 11 - 17

Will come back later with my high and taste of the candy but i was so happy to get a ’ Baked’ product cuz i saw they are doing the dosage well ( people find them accurate ) It’s smell so strong fruity is almost toxic but so Nice !!!! Don’t look like cheap flavor candy :)
SushinWasabi·GreenSociety·2588d79 reviews

PSC - Green Society - 260$/oz - 20 - 11 - 17

Taste earth on inhale n earth sweet on exhale ! the bud did have a good look with good purple inside when break up in the grinder , full frosty , smell not amazing to me or special but simply good ! Still i would not put 260 for this , im too cheap , but was a little bit squish again and only for t...
SushinWasabi·GreenSociety·2588d79 reviews

Headband - Green Society - Free Sample (210oz) - 20 - 11 - 17

I liked this one on top of panda og and tuna ! Way more gazzy beside chemical ! I find this one to give me a good head energy boost ! Buds almost not squeeze ( nice ) but bit on the dry side ! Nice frosty look , if it was 62% , would be rly nice stuff , again with te 20% , 210 still a little bit to...
SushinWasabi·GreenSociety·2588d79 reviews

Panda OG - Green Society - Free sample ( ?$ ) 20 - 11 - 17

Panda is less squish than Tuna , but still a little bit ... I found the both to taste the same , this one is bit spicy earth on inhale but again , i got that chemical ending, not lile a bad flavor , simply chemical ! The buzz is little more heady ,and a good warm body buzz ! Nice hybrid , bud ha...
1 · · ·65 66 67 68 69



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