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xy1408·Greenz·2613d73 reviews

Greenz - Space cookie - 204 oz - Dec 2017

It literally taste like if you mix space cake and gsc. Taste is warm with little after taste of cookie. High is pretty good and buzz is not bad. But in my opinion space cake alone is better and since i bought an oz of space cake for 175 from first class medicinal i recommend buying space cake. But i...
Niloc74·Greenz·2615d31 reviews

Gorilla Glue #4 from Greenz/Yaletown 225/oz after 25% of New Year sale

Biggest nug was about 4.2g, sour and sweet pine smell. Burns clean and is pretty potent
xy1408·Greenz·2615d73 reviews

Bruce Banner #3 - Greenz - 210oz - Dec 2017

Supplier:Yaletown Flower Co.
First I have to say it smell amazing. Perfect burn, white ashes. Potency i have to say its 8 of 10. I had Bruce Banner from Chrono before and that one had bigger nugs and it was more potent but this one has better smell. If chrono bruce banner was 10/10 this one is 8...
PuffCow·Greenz·2616d3 reviews

Greenz - Bruce Banner #3 - Dec 20 - 130/14gm (-15)%

35 pieces in 14 grams. It came bone dry, a light press pulverised a piece into powder. Its moist now now after jar/boveda, but...

What do you all think? This was not sold as small bud, paid full price and came unreal dry pieces. I am quite disappointed.
NatheShatter·Greenz·2621d23 reviews

{Julius cesar(pho blend) elevated extract}-{GREENZ}-{35$ 0.5}-{December 29}

First time trying the elevated brand,wow impressive stuff strong potency,it’s in my top 3 concentrate I tried yet the taste is really hard to describe,I would say it is more on the fruity side than earty after 2 dabs I’m at a solid 9 writing this.
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