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/u/Tom_Greenz, [email protected]


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Ameer7T3·Greenz·2569d21 reviews

Purple God - Greenz - Sample - Feb 20

Holy shit! Might just being the best looking flower I have put my eyes on! Pretty much full purple and fully coated in crystals. Just looks purple and white... It’s insane! Surprisingly, it’s not the most potent strain, so it’s more of a looker for sure (that’s just my opinion since I’m a ...
Ameer7T3·Greenz·2569d21 reviews

Strawberry Nuken - Greenz - $125/Half Ounce - Feb 20

Nuken was always one of my fav strains since it’s heavy hitting and I have a high tolerance. This stuff has that same nuken properties but with an amazing aroma as well. Super tasty and smooth. Bong hit went straight to the head.
Ameer7T3·Greenz·2569d21 reviews

Gorilla Glue 4 #2 - Greenz - $130/Half Oz - Feb 20

No better feeling than that of an incoming package! Enjoy bud!
TheNSian·Greenz·2592d2 reviews

Pink Lady (Outdoor) - $82.50/OZ (New Years sale)

I bought 40g each of 3 of outdoor strains, earlier on in the month during the new years sales.

I thought I’d start out by posting the weakest of three strains: Pink Lady.

While the other 2 outdoor strains I bought from them are pretty damn great for $157/40g, this part...
TheNSian·Greenz·2607d2 reviews

[Blue Hawaiian] - [Greenz] - 125$/14g - [December]

I’m a sativa and sativa leaning hybrid smoker, and this is one of the better sativa’s I’ve smoked within the last few months. The high is extremely clear headed and it leaves your body feeling light. This strain really, really smells like berries.
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