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Official Gastown outlet
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/u/Tom_Greenz, [email protected]


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NSreviews·Greenz·2482d2 reviews

Purple White Lightning - Greenz - May 2018

New acc I dont post at all but I owe it to the team at Greenz, Everything was super fast ordered the night of may 15th arrived the morning of the 18th.

My package was lost for a couple hours \( due to a clerical error not on Greenz or the post\) I submitted a ticket and they sent me details...
NSreviews·Greenz·2482d2 reviews

Goji OG - Greenz - May 2018

New acc I dont post at all but I owe it to the team at Greenz, Everything was super fast ordered the night of may 15th arrived the morning of the 18th.

My package was lost for a couple hours \( due to a clerical error not on Greenz or the post\) I submitted a ticket and they sent me details...
PuffCow·Greenz·2508d3 reviews

Citrus Skunk - Greenz - April

No questions on this, so i’ll add this is a mighty fine smoke from Gastown. Super strong, super tasty. THe buzz is the kind i really like, a bit drifty and yu forget to light up again after half jay.

Filed under wish i had bought more.
PuffCow·Greenz·2508d3 reviews

Chem Dawg - Greenz - April

Its very enjoyable. Comfy sorta buzz. It’s not a head kicker, but puts me in a great mood.
MOMAccount123·Greenz·2511d17 reviews

Space Cake - Greenz - April

Yeah especially for the 20% off 420 sale. :D I’ve always wanted to try Greenz/Gastown and I’d say it lives up to the hype!
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