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Specializes in connoisseur buds. Quality over Quantity and also in co2 carts & Bulk orders
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benny9292·HillSidePharms·2124d23 reviews

Tropicana cookies/hsp/May

I’m getting a really nice orange and piney smell along with taste. Good texture too the buds, there dense but fluffy. White ash, great hybrid high
ConestogoGreen·HillSidePharms·2130d125 reviews

Purple Ayahuasca from Hillside Pharms May 7th

Opening up the bag hits you with a gassy skunky aroma. Why do I find this smell so intriguing??
ConestogoGreen·HillSidePharms·2131d125 reviews

Grape God from Hillside Pharms May 7th

This stuff smells like grapefruit and cheese.
Pitsy96·HillSidePharms·2131d42 reviews

Granddaddy purps- newhsp - May 9th

Just finished smoking a joint of this. Very smooth smoke didn’t cough once during joint. Little sick so couldn’t really tell what it smelt like. About 5 mins post joint and very relaxed but still functional atm. Definitely a new favourite, will order again for sure
ConestogoGreen·HillSidePharms·2131d125 reviews

Rozay from Hillside Pharms May 7th.

Yes, I know what it looks like.
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