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nevertoomany·KingTuts·2036d65 reviews

Violator - King Tuts - Early July

Another 99$ oz. I had ordered Nuken and was sent this for some reason, never did follow up as to why. The Violator isn’t bad, not a killer couchlock Indica but burns nice, smells nice and has a decent mellow buzz...good deal on a 99$ oz but don’t expect it to compete with proper AAA from a lot...
nevertoomany·KingTuts·2036d65 reviews

Lemon Sour Diesel - King Tuts - Early July 2019

This was one of their 99$ oz. Was not a fan of this at all to be honest...found the buzz to be mediocre at best and didn’t last long at all. Finish a J and 15 minutes later want another. Smell was off too, bit like hay and a bit sour too...not great. Listed a AAA but nowhere near that IMO, it�...
wtfrightnowman·KingTuts·2038d43 reviews

Alien og - king tuts - july 2019

Kt full order july 2019
MOM Name king tuts

Sign Up: pretty easy

Ordering & Pricing: went smooth

Communication: hes there to help for any question/problem you have. Been using kt a lot since i discovered them and as much as i like the v...
KushSolo69·KingTuts·2039d14 reviews

Nuken Rosin - KingTuts - late July 2019

First time buying rosin and this stuff is great! Had a sticky gooey caramel texture, a nice gassy nose, leaves my banger clean and me high as a kite!
KushSolo69·KingTuts·2041d14 reviews

NLA - KingTuts - late July 2019

Dank hairy stuff that has a powerful smell and very potent relaxing high that lasted around 2-3 hours after just 2 bowls. Heard great things on their website reviews about this one and I had to give it a go... Boy was I glad I did, this stuff is AAAA for sure on potency at least.
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