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Niconyx_·KingTuts·2001d20 reviews

Blue Dream Shatter / King Tuts / Early June

I just had a few dabs and i have to say you clearly have the best shatter that i have ever tasted no bs ! I will surely buy again !
BerzerkLuvTruck·KingTuts·2001d9 reviews

Comatose OG smalls/ King Tuts/ July 2019

This stuff was pretty good. Got 2oz of it, only bought 1 but they sent me a second instead of purple chemo. Overall this bud was ok. It smoked not too bad, and got me high but the one bag put me off. It seemed to have a bit of a cure issue or something. Could have been from sitting in my warm car fo...
Tab7879·KingTuts·2003d268 reviews

Gods green crack shatter, king tuts, July 2019

Split a quarter with a friend and that’s my side, really nice stuff, and the price if perfect
Tab7879·KingTuts·2003d268 reviews

Violator smalls, king tuts, July 1019

I grabbed a large and smalls of this kind and they are both equally as good. Great smell, not shaggy, nice firm buds and perfect dryness for me. It also had alot of crystals on it. I am very happy with it, and if you dont care about smaller buds, get this and save the 10 bux cuz that is the only rea...
Tab7879·KingTuts·2003d268 reviews

Violator, king tuts, july 1019

King tuts done it again. This is definitely a must have in your collection of strains. I will order again. It has a very unique smell, nice taste. Really tight buds that fluff up really good.
1 · · ·29 30 31 32 33 · · ·75


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