God's Green Crack Shatter 14g - King Tuts - Jan 2019
First order from them and I’m really happy with this one so far, especially for the sale price. Great flavor and color, and quite potent. Although it’s not glass like, it’s definitely a pull-snap consistency which isn’t a big deal to me. Would recommend
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Ordering & Pricing - easy to navigate menus , pick a category , pick an item(s) add it to the cart , apply discount code if applicable , check out , sen...d e transfer with correct information they provide in email.
Communication - from what I have read the owner is excellent in customer service but I didn’t require any help.
Packaging - the product came in a post office bag that contained a smell proof bag that had my product and a free gift they tossed in.
Products / Photos - I order gods green crack shatter which came to $145 all in for 7grams. It came in one package which I don’t mind. It has a nice smell and tokes nice and smooth. The potency is labeled at 78% so a nice size dab has me a gets me good.
Incentive for Customers - they had 10% off for new customers
Incentive for Review - none
Notes - I definitely do recommend king tuts shatter to anyone looking for discount shatter ! The order arrived in two days which is awesome. One thing tho is im pretty sure I checked the ’sign for pick up’ box and not sure if it was the post of or the M.O.M who did it incorrectly but my was dropped in my mailbox. So just double check when ordering !
** Disclaimer: The products reviewed here were received for free. Those who know me already know I don’t let that affect how I review products, but I know some refuse to give any value to free product reviews, so you’ve been warned **
MOM Name Kingtuts.ca
Overall rating out of 10...: 8.5/10
Sign Up: No idea, was a hookup on Discord, I don’t have an account on the site.
Ordering & Pricing: Was obtained free. Product is currently on sale at 22$ a gram.
Communication: King is very active on here and on the Discord, always quick to reply, great to talk and deal with.
Packaging: The stuff came into small plastic containers, lined with a silicon cup. The containers are childproof (and apparently stoner proof too, lol, I think I figured it tho). Everything was inside a metallic heat bag, sealed, in a bubble mailer. Pretty standard, zero issue.
Products / Photos: ** Will post pictures later **
Super Lemon Haze Hash: Taste was strong, typical of high THC hash strains. Not exactly smooth, not particularly good tasting, but shiiiite does this pack a punch. I really did not expect hash of that price range to be so strong, I only smoked a bit and got extremely baked. I’m no expert on bubble/melt hash, but this definitely bubbled when heated, kind of bloated a bit under heat and then collapsed once cooled. Did not turn liquid.. Guessing it’s about a 50% melt. Not exactly the most fun product to smoke, but the buzz is really strong.
Girl Scout Cookies Hash: Very similar in all aspects to the Super Lemon Haze, but it has a distinct sweetness to it that the other did not have. Again got pretty baked, this stuff is potent... a more relaxed buzz than the SLH. 50% melt.
God’s Green Crack Hash: This tasted really good, definitely recognize the GGC taste and signature head buzz, also a ~50% melt. Very close to the SLH in terms of potency. Overall, this is my favorite taste-wise.
Blueberry Hash: This product has added terps (it is not made blueberry kief). I expected those terped products to be pretty shit but I was pleasantly surprised. The taste is smoother than the regular ones and the terps really add a nice dimension to the smoke. The blueberry taste was extremely discreet and faint, really not strong, could have been a tiny bit more terped actually. This one, surprisingly, was not melty, it simply burned and left an ash ghost of itself behind. Buzz seemed lighter as well, but still strong stuff.
Espresso Hash: This product has added terps. Again expected not to enjoy added terps and this was really good. You can really taste the espresso while smoking it, but it’s really not too much, just perfect, sweet, more like a milk coffee than a bitter espresso, creamy and smooth. Nice competent buzz and did not melt, like the blueberry left a ghost of itself in ash behind.
Incentive for Customers: KT offers a lot of repeat buyer incentives, go check their site, it’s pretty intricate. The more you buy over time, the cheaper everything gets.
Incentive for Review: Product was offered for free so I could review it and compare it to a similar order I had just made with Cheebas. Overall, KT’s hash was more enjoyable but the price is also higher.
Notes: Nothing much to add, but this is some good stuff. Not old school by any means, not full melt either, but it’s excellent for the price.