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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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growmeplease·KootenayCraft·2242d3 reviews

Jager- KootenayCraft- Jan.2019

Picture was taken after smoking a nug or two. Fantastic nose and ash to this one, liquorice is prominant. Grabbed a q and am going to continue to grab this strain from now on. Love it!
dnmSeaDragon·KootenayCraft·2243d39 reviews

Blue King - Kootenay Craft - Jan 16 '19

Haven’t tried this one yet but it looks and smells great, ill update this comment with something later on when I try.
dnmSeaDragon·KootenayCraft·2243d39 reviews

Green Crack God - Kootenay Craft - Jan 2019

Just had a couple puffs in my pipe and its pretty darn good, I don’t normally order the green crack strains but wanted to try something different this time and am super happy with it.

Can honestly say i’ve never had an issue with KC, been ordering from them for 7 months now and have not...
LemonHaze117·KootenayCraft·2243d12 reviews


Ive order so much strain from them yesterday and they are all psychedelic. All unique. (Black mamba) (LivingSoil BlueLight) (orangecreamsicle) (livingsoilcherrygasm) (whiterhino)(superlemonhaze) (cactusbreath) (pg-13)
LemonHaze117·KootenayCraft·2243d12 reviews

Black Mamba/KootenayCraft/january16

Personally I find this strain really heavy And I decided to keep my 7g of it for the weekend because its a Next level strain imo
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