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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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jfindlay7·KootenayCraft·2249d6 reviews

Kootenay Craft - Cactus Breath Jan 11 2019

It’s excellent, the only strain that I’ve been able to find so far that rivals CE’s
growmeplease·KootenayCraft·2249d3 reviews

Orange Creamsicle Kootenay Craft Jan.2019

Great hint of vanilla and orange on the nose, burns white and taste not too bad. Not too harsh and got me to a 7/10, so pretty potent. Loving it so far.
coop3r187·KootenayCraft·2252d41 reviews

Kootenay Craft - Gods Green Crack (or Green Crack God) - January

First purchase from KC - VERY pleased. Smells like a dark hazelnut chocolate to me but I may have a strange nose lol. Smokes beautiful and tastes almost like a sweet mint. Vaped a little last night. Going to blast a cone tonite and visit the stars.

Next up is Coastal Wildfire if i can ever ...
PmForTits·KootenayCraft·2254d16 reviews

Tom Ford Pink kush - Kootenay Craft- January

A few more pictures [here]( Pretty good overall, tastes and smells likes pink kush. The trim is bad though
PmForTits·KootenayCraft·2255d16 reviews

Cactus Breath - Kootenay Craft - January

Really tasty strain, but I don’t think it’s quite worth the price. The trim could be better. Small album [here](
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