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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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dnmSeaDragon·KootenayCraft·1996d39 reviews

LSO Grape Ape - Kootenay Craft - Sept 25th

Very tasty. Super strong grape gassy smell when opening the jar, unfortunately not as much grape flavour when smoking as I was hoping but still yummy none the less. Seems to be decently strong, I don’t think it’s as much of a indica as the jar says(90%) but still way more on the indica side.
Olivermoko·KootenayCraft·1997d19 reviews

Jager - Kootenay Craft - Sept 25th

After emailing KC about their strains I was recommended to try some Jager after saying I liked strong Indicas. Grabbed 7g of it, can’t comment on the smoke yet though as I have not tried.

It has a great smell, really does have a Jagermeister smell coming through can for sure smell it. De...
Olivermoko·KootenayCraft·1997d19 reviews

Wedding Crasher #5 - Kootenay Craft - Sept 25th

First order from Kootenay Craft, 2 quarters of this and 2 of different strains. Great deal with the first purchase promo, bought the price right down.

I’m not very good at describing different flavours etc but this has a very strong but flavourful taste. I much prefer strong Indicas beca...
dnmSeaDragon·KootenayCraft·1997d39 reviews

Wedding Crasher #5 - Kootenay Craft - Sept 25th

I’ve only had a couple puffs so far so I can’t say anything on that yet, I’ve got a j rolled for after work so I’ll update you if I get one from that.

Hmm, sativas might I’m not sure, I sometimes get headaches if I smoke too much weed in a day, haven’t thought about if it migh...
416strains·KootenayCraft·1998d269 reviews

Punch Breath - Kootenay Craft - Aug 2019

The attractive cross of *Mendo Breath* x *Purple Punch*, this **Punch Breath** arrived as caked smaller buds with minimal signs of handling and an aroma of fragrant tropical fruit. After fruity/berry/Mendo flavours to start, this indica-dominant hybrid eases into an earthy, woody sweetness, with ber...
1 · · ·61 62 63 64 65 · · ·153


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