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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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brownsyndrome·KootenayCraft·1998d52 reviews

Wedding Crasher #5 / Kootenay Craft / Sep 24th

I’ll smoke a J later in the evening and give a review! :)
j_killian·KootenayCraft·1998d56 reviews

Crystal cookies Kootenay craft Sept 24, 25% thc 0.5% cbd

I only had 1 hoot I have a cold and been coughing it tore my throat so it’s just a tease atm lol can’t wait to be able to have a proper session!!!
416strains·KootenayCraft·1999d269 reviews

Blue Lamb's Bread - Kootenay Craft - Sept 2019 (Preview)

Haha dope! Still very early but so far I like this better than the Durban Poison, which is listed a little higher but in the same value category.. Tastier than it looks, but mild balanced hybrid. Happy weed day tomorrow =)
416strains·KootenayCraft·2000d269 reviews

Durban Poison - Kootenay Craft - Sept 2019 (Preview)

Tastes a bit diff from other Durban Poison we’ve had previously but clean, heady effects.. Moderate to slightly above avg potency
416strains·KootenayCraft·2000d269 reviews

Banana Punch #1 - Kootenay Craft - Sept 2019 (Preview)

Fresh batch with good humidity, very caked w/ minimal signs of handling. Out and about now but excited to try this tomorrow!
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