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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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MMacKillop·KootenayCraft·1138d6 reviews

White Widow - Kootenay Craft - March 2021

This is from KC's budget ”Canadian Select” range.

A fairly nice batch of White Widow. Nice and dense, and fresh enough to still have a good nose and taste. Very typical WW aroma, citrusy-pine with that strange floral-chemical note. Nugs are small to medium, a little leafy in spots...
LeBim666·KootenayCraft·1141d142 reviews

Multiples strain - KC - 2021 March

First is Jupiter Og! Super frosty ☃️ Then it’s purple suffer with an amazing smell. Finish with that ridiculous cactus Breath! All beautiful flower that going right away in a better jar!
Moodisok·KootenayCraft·1144d3 reviews

Sunset sherbet - kootenay craft - feb2021

No idea I wonder why my joint turned blue when I licked it.
drexypoo·KootenayCraft·1147d4 reviews

Peanut Butter Breath - KC - Feb 2021

Beautiful in every regard. I ended up liking this strain the most which was least expected. Very strong spicey profile like I've never encountered before to this magnitude. Fills the room with its glorious aroma. Highly highly reccomended. Looking forward to trying their Cactus Breath.
drexypoo·KootenayCraft·1147d4 reviews

Orange Push Pop - KC - Feb 2021

Massive dense and sticky 7g nug. Blasts you in the face with Orange-Vanilla. Potent, but burns a little harsh for my liking. Still, a very nice treat.
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