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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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ConestogoGreen·KootenayCraft·2113d125 reviews

Living Soil Chocolate Japan from Kootenay Craft May 28th.

It’s very nice. Pretty nice high and like already stated very manageable. It says it’s a 90% dative, which I would definitely agree with.
ConestogoGreen·KootenayCraft·2113d125 reviews

Strawberry Jager from Kootenay Craft May 28th.

My first time ordering from Kootenay Craft and I have to say so far all of the buds look absolutely perfect. I’ve yet to try them. Most were from the platinum category and one from the top shelf category.

This large bud was one of 5 from 7g. In my opinion a very nice weekend during the d...
ConestogoGreen·KootenayCraft·2113d125 reviews

Tropaya from Kootenay craft May 28th.

This one is really nice. Gassy and fruity. I didn’t get the smell right away, woke up this morning and decided to try it out. As soon as I opened it there was a strong gas smell with a fruit smell that I can only describe as rotting peaches. We gone peach picking before late in the season and this...
bcbud78·KootenayCraft·2116d32 reviews

Jorge’s Diamonds-Kootenay Craft-May 16

Dense, super smooth vapour, fruity/citrus/pine full flavour taste. Knocked me out after a soothing calm, relaxed body and head high. Great for sleep. I only use indicas in the PM now so I only have a taste of two to three bowls a day in he Dynavap.

Disposable pens- Kootenay Craft- May 22nd 2019

Posted about this in /canadianMoMs... Basically ordered 7 pens for 168$ and 3/7 are severely underfilled by 35%ish... The pen pictured on the right is the most filled pen I received where as the middle pen and the one on the left r similar to how the rest of the batch looks. Honestly severely disapp...
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