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mompics204·LowPriceBud·1817d19 reviews

Lindsay OG - LowPriceBud - Mar 10 2020

First order from LPB. Ordered Tuesday received Thursday. The process is streamlined very well via emails from LPB that makes it effortless to order and get your tracking number. Post office received the package on the same business day that I paid. Can’t expect much better than that.

Driedpuddle·LowPriceBud·1817d1 review

Cherry AK47 Low Price buds march 2020

Ok so first order with LPB and I think so far I’m sold with them being a regular MOM of mine

So here it goes

Bag appeal in this is crazy super frosty nugs dense but not overly dense which I’m ok with but overall trichromes every leaving residue on my fingers every touch. Reall...
Rado_Reddit·LowPriceBud·1817d2 reviews

LOWPRICEBUD - Purpple Bubba



COMMUNICATION/SERVICE: 10/10, Always great service, very quick by email or live chat on the website

SHIPPING/PACKAGING: Always well sealed and never overpackaged, order is always preccessed the same day and arrives 2 days lat...
Phragram·LowPriceBud·1818d11 reviews

McGrupp (AA) Low Price Bud - March 12th

This oz cost me $115.00, I feel like I got the shitty end of the stick for sure. There are a few alright sized nugs in here but for the most part it’s just a bunch of popcorn sized buds and shake. Theres a whole lot of stems and it smells weird too. I’ve been pretty much equally unimpressed with...
AndrewGotDank·LowPriceBud·1818d8 reviews

Gods Green Crack - LPB - Mid March

Loved this order of GGC I got from LPB, the nose is eh before breaking it up kind of a muted berry whine type smell, but upon breaking it up it is very kushy / earthy, smoke matches the nose basically, burns in a joint with a very nice fine white ash, gets me and my homies absolutely stoned! We love...
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