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biggiesmalls84·LowPriceBud·1826d64 reviews

Bubba Kush - Low Price Bud - March 5th 2020

Yes it is.

It’s nice smoke. Burns white, has that Bubba taste and smell. I’d buy it.

I have the $99 Pink Kush coming to compare.
biggiesmalls84·LowPriceBud·1826d64 reviews

Pink Kush - LPB Grown - Low Price Bud - March 5th 2020

Yes it is. Great cut of Pink Kush. They rate it AAAA-

Tons of that sweet pk Kush flavor inside these buds. My favourite strain.

I have the $99oz version of PK coming to compare.
biggiesmalls84·LowPriceBud·1826d64 reviews

Pineapple (Smalls) - Low Price Buds - March 5th 2020

Burns really great in a J with an oil ring.

Tons of flavor comes out in the smoke. Really citrusy to the point of being tropical.

These are definitely some smalls from a nice batch. If you don’t care about the popcorn or the sugar leaf remaining.
Otownkush·LowPriceBud·1826d41 reviews

Lowpricebuds house pink kush - QUAD

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cannadatrees·LowPriceBud·1826d196 reviews

LPB’s pink kush - LPB - Mar/20

Strong eye watering classic pink vanilla/kush smell coming off of these nice chunky buds. Beautiful colours, very sticky buds. Rolls perfectly.

Smooth thick smoke with a prominent sweet kush taste. Very flavourful. Hits hard and fast in the head; eyes get heavy quick, mood elevated fast. A...
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