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mdr420in88·LowPriceBud·1831d93 reviews

Megalodon from Lowpricebud Feb 21

V 9 P 9

The smell on this one is quite intermixed, has this gassy pungent Kush smell to it being fresh and sticky. Upon busting up you get all that described with a hint of mint that’s overwhelmed with gassy kushy smell that is sweet intermixing together to create a unique smell and tast...
Pauti25·LowPriceBud·1832d24 reviews

Pink kush $99, lowpricebud

Quality 10/10
Value 11/10

I couldn’t believe how strong this pink kush is, it shouldn’t even be in the $99 section. The buds are not dry at all, their cured good and fluffy. Strong kush smell, the only downside if you can call it a downside is the buds are small. I don’t mind caus...
jerc82·LowPriceBud·1833d48 reviews

Bubba King, Low Price Bud, Feb 26.

I like this one a bit more actually
AndrewGotBank·LowPriceBud·1833d25 reviews

LowPriceBud - Platinum Bubba Budder - Late Feb

Not bad for the price, leaves some residue but not a lot, has a smooth inhale and exhale, kinda taste like a tootsie roll tbh? all around good smoke.

Quality 8/10

Value 8/10
Otownkush·LowPriceBud·1833d41 reviews

Bubba kush - lowpricebud

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