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pita1984·LowPriceBud·1833d163 reviews

Gasleak OG Kush ᕙ+ᕗ Lowpricebud February 2020

Spend $250+ and receive 3.5G Free!
Spend $500+ and receive 7G Free!
Spend $1000+ and receive 14G Free!

This was 1 of my 3.5s I received for spending over 200

Value - 9/10 $190oz
This Gasleak AAAA strain is priced lower than most of other and some might find it a pretty ...
TrappMandu·LowPriceBud·1834d4 reviews

Wedding Cake - Low Price Bud - January 28th

Not really a fan of this strain.. First of all it smelt gassy and almost imo like chicken noodle soup? Lmao anyways it had great bag appeal and a decent buzz when smoked but as soon as I busted into the nugs the majority of them had seeds and by the end of it I just was tired of finding seeds and e...
jamez5000·LowPriceBud·1834d3 reviews

Lowpricebud - February 2020

Mom Name: Lowpricebud

Overall Rating Out 10: 8


Shipping/packaging: Great packaging, everything came scent proof and discreet.

Products To Review:

Bruce Banner

I ordered 1oz and this strain is usually my go to. This wasn’t t...
TheNewDeadlift·LowPriceBud·1834d3 reviews

Death Bubba - Lowpricebud - February 14

MoM name: Lowpricebud

Quality: 9.5/10 First non $99 purchase from LPB and it did not disappoint. Great nose and potency. Put me on my ass and knocked me out.

Value: 9/10 at $155/oz the death bubba was very fairly graded and priced. Would gladly pay what I did again.

TheNewDeadlift·LowPriceBud·1834d3 reviews

Nuken - Lowpricebud - Early February

MoM name: Lowpricebud

Quality: 8/10 Smoked very well and kept my father relaxed and pain free. Burns well like most lpb strains. Taste was not the strongest for me for this one but it was not bad.

Value: 10/10 Lowpricebuds $99oz are always worth the value.

Shipping: 10/10 ...
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