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We specialize in premium 100% ORGANIC BC craft cannabis and organic cannabis products including organic edibles and organic vape products. Some organic products have third-party lab test results for pesticides and THC levels; more tests are always being done and uploaded to the site when available. We also have an awesome $25 GOPOSTAL Promo for New Customers - a $55 value for only $25 and includes FREE shipping!
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it0xin·MailboxMarijuana·1706d17 reviews

Gelato/Mailbox Marijuana/June

is that a good or bad emoji? lol
MCDaddy75·MailboxMarijuana·1706d432 reviews

Gorilla Glue #4 x Orange Cookies - Mailbox Marijuana - June

**Gorilla Glue #4 x Orange Cookies from Mailbox Marijuana**

**Visual:** It was very nice looking! It was a bit leafy but that is ok to me especially when they are covered in crystal. There was lots of crystal and it was very sparkly. Some buds were a lighter green and some were a darker gre...
MCDaddy75·MailboxMarijuana·1706d432 reviews

UBC Chemo - Mailbox Marijuana - June

**UBC Chemo** **(Organic) from Mailbox Marijuana**

**Visual:** It had an Organic look to it. It looked like it was hand trimmed and had a bit more of a loose structure to it, which is what I am used to with an Organic. It was a very beautiful bud! It was a darker green, and the leaves go...
CannaVids·MailboxMarijuana·1716d15 reviews

Mac 8 / Mailbox marijuana / June

Loving how smooth the smoke on this is! White ash and I can take big fat halls without coughing up a lung. Nice herbal citrus that’s a bit piney flavour. Caked and potent! Nice balanced high that doesn’t make me too tired.

Chronicandy thc gummies / mailboxmarijuana/ apr 20th 2020

Bought these on a killer 420 sale. They are well worth the $15 for 150mg. I found them to be very consistent in potency which helps me regulate my medicine dose easily.

They are sweet and very little thc taste. Actually had a real gummy bear feel and texture.

Potency is great and ...
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