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wheet883·OkanaganGreen·2156d30 reviews

Black Gas - Okg - April ‘19

This black gas has some great smelling and tasting bud. After busting some up. It starts to really smell gassy. Nice smooth smoke. Buds are sticky. Overall another great strain from okg.
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2160d474 reviews

Death Bubba - Okanagan Green - March

Not as Gassy as the Black Gas more earthy/skunk on the initial inhale but once it’s broken up the death bubba has a pungent skunk/gas aroma.
Yes lots of trichomes and the buds are crispy on the outside and sticky on the inside.
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2160d474 reviews

Black Gas - Okanagan Green - March

100% worth it this is some serious gas!

Very sticky buds and loaded with trichomes. Clean white ash burn and produces a huge oil ring on a spliff. 1 bowl of this and I’m ripped for an hour +

Heavy body buzz sedating effects that put you to sleep. This is my go to night time bud r...
moodypimp·OkanaganGreen·2161d3 reviews

Lemon Meringue #5 - OKG - March2019

its the HTFSE with diamonds in it i guess :)

OKG - Cannalean 1000MG, March 2019

I usually don’t buy edibles due to them having very little effect on me, but I said screw it and bought some of this Cannalean from OKG...


This stuff knocked me around, don’t be fooled by your tolerances when using this stuff. I also let a friend try it who�...
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