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StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2597d474 reviews

Congo Haze - Okanagan Green - $425/qp split - January 2018

This one is more fruity smelling/tasting than Red Congo with that classic earthy Haze. The effects are similar really uplifting/energetic perfect for day time use. The nugs are spongy with medium density that break up fluffy; great for bowls or rolling :)

Burns clean white ash would deffin...
blargas541·OkanaganGreen·2599d4 reviews

Highgrade BC Orange Cookies - Okanagan Green - 275oz

Price on the site is 275/oz but since I was buying a bunch of other expensive stuff they sold me a quarter for 75.

Very expensive stuff and I’m not sure it was worth it. It’s definitely AAA but above that I’m not so sure. It arrived really squashed/compressed and really wet. Unfortun...
blargas541·OkanaganGreen·2599d4 reviews

Highgrade BC Cookies & Cream Terp Diamonds - Okanagan Green - 95/G

Good stuff. Smell is pretty sweet but the flavor is predominately skunk. It’s insanely potent. One small dab felt like 3-4 of my kind selections fse or some strong shatter. Plus, it’s actually smooth. Love the huge diamonds too.
middlefingaz101·OkanaganGreen·2599d25 reviews

Congolese Haze - Okanagan Green - $425 mixed qp - Jan 12/18

I wish I just got this instead of the mixed qp. Real nice bud with a nice citrus flavour. I highly recommend this one and I should also mention on a positive note that their packaging used (a big box and dbl vacuum seal) was the best i’ve ever seen. I would try them again but I think I’ll stay a...
middlefingaz101·OkanaganGreen·2599d25 reviews

Purple Kush - Okanagan Green - $425 mixed qp - Jan 12/18

They were sold out of pink kush so I was sent this instead, told them to send me a similar priced item and something they recommend. Since I’ve been ordering moms the past 5 months I’ve never had bud I didn’t enjoy....until I got 2 oz of this bad boy. It is so dry and there are no buds, just a...
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