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LukeWoodz·OnlyGas·906d103 reviews

Dairy Queen #1 - OnlyGas - October 2021

Dairy Queen #1 (Cheese x Space Queen)

Source - OnlyGas

Was a pleasure of mine to pick up this strain for the first time! Out the bag the nose is unreal just reeks of cheesy gas and cream, buds are pillow cure soft with dark green appeal and nose just comes out even more after r...
LukeWoodz·OnlyGas·906d103 reviews

Animal Cookies - OnlyGas - October 2021

Animal Cookies (Girl Scout Cookies x Fire OG)

Source - OnlyGas

Big fan of this strain and was happy to receive it as a sample from onlygas! First off great looking dense light green buds, not the most amazing appeal but from the nose I was excited to smoke , while ripping open...
euphoria40·OnlyGas·906d29 reviews

Freshwater biscotti - only gas

Strain: freshwater biscotti

Look: nugs were medium to smaller size - but insanely purple with nice white trichomes

Terps: terps are amazing on the one. Very dry cookie tasting but also but you get a slight forest fresh funk thrown in on the nose as well. The maltier flavours ...
euphoria40·OnlyGas·906d29 reviews

Ice cream cake - only gas

Strain: ice cream cake

Look: the buds have a nice white trichome colour. They showed up with big nugs that have a decent trim job

Terps: this one is very different from any icc I’ve ever had. The terps come through as soft minty and creamy to the point where it almost smell...
blacktooth13·OnlyGas·906d65 reviews

Gelato #33 / Onlygas / Nov 1st

Got this right away cuz it was on the pricey side and itz Gelato #33. First tine going with these guys n im glad i did. Priced at $145ish but i got a percentage off. Still paid $120 or so but def worth it. Medium nuggz probably gram n a half on average, sweet candy n fruit smell. Tastes like that bu...
1 · · ·76 77 78 79 80 · · ·104


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