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Pacific Grass is known for our exclusive boxes and unboxing experience.
First Time Savings Offer! One-time order minimum of $100, get $50 off or Free Ounce and FREE shipping.->
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bigmack101·PacificGrass·1909d11 reviews

Pacific grass- purple space cookies- late September

Good day time smoke, grey ash but even colour. Tastes of grape and generic purple when smoking, and a bit more gas and berry in the vape. Great bud size for the small pack
bigmack101·PacificGrass·1910d11 reviews

Pacific grass- cincopax Rockstar--late Septembe.

Good looking buds, if not popcorn (can’t expect much more from a 2g mixer). Clean white and grey speckled ash, and tasty chocolate and kushy note when exhaling.
richchapman·PacificGrass·1910d3 reviews

PacificGrass - 2 Ounce Deal (God's Green Crack & OG Shark) / Cincopax Rockstar Buy

This is a review for the Ounce deal at Pacific Grass. They currently have two promotions on ounce deals.

1. 15% OFF on three of their strains which is Lindsay OG, God’s Green Crack, and OG Shark.

2. Buy 2 ounces (same strains as in deal 1) for $290

I’m guessing they...
LouisCyr·PacificGrass·1910d10 reviews

Pacific Grass - Welcome Kit (Death Bubba / Charlotte's Web / Rockstar (Cincopax))

This is a review for a pack I received from Pacific Grass. Wrote the review as I was trying the different products so I could be as accurate as possible on the taste/buzz. All products were tested with a bong.

I’m still working on my picture game so don’t be too harsh on me :)

Diablesse187·PacificGrass·1910d77 reviews

Pacificgrass reviews bundle gift


Strain: Rockstar

Variety: Indica

grower: Cincopax

Appearance: Ultra compact Bud, beautiful cure, size 0.8g, slightly stiky and well crystallized.

Smell: The bud smells earthy and the pine with a touch of pepper...
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Hi there,

Since our launch in September 2019, the team at Pacific Grass has been working hard to be the best online dispensary out there and we wouldn’t be where we’re at now, without each and everyone one of you!

As of Septembe
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