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Cricri710·The.BH.Othority·2210d7 reviews

Gelato #33 grown by QwadGarden sources through thebhothority

Didn’t try it yet, I’m on a tolerance break for the next couple days. But it’s definitely smell like gelato!!!
Shicabob·The.BH.Othority·2214d3 reviews

Citrus Sap - BHOTHORITY - February

I have both GG4 and Tangie right now and I’d say this smells like a little bit of both but tastes more like Tangie but I haven’t tried it in a joint yet. Very nice buds, bright green and covered in trichomes. Smokes really smooth, white ash. The high is pleasant, cerebral with a bit of body buzz...
shidad·The.BH.Othority·2215d1 review

Mother's Milk - TheBhothority January

SWIM’s dealer had it years ago, of course remembered the distinctive name, smell, and ’zone out’ effects. This is a creeper not a heavy hitter, would not recommend for daytime use or for those that are looking for that sativa rush. Reminds me of a heavy CBD strain
Cricri710·The.BH.Othority·2215d7 reviews

Apple pie from TheBhothority

StonerSteve64·The.BH.Othority·2220d474 reviews

Grapefruit - Bhothority - January

One of the nicest smelling buds I’ve had. Such a pungent sweet/bitter grapefruit smell. The taste isin’t as strong as the smell but it’s similar. Ton of trichomes inside and out with a medium density and breaks up fluffy. Pure clean white burn it’s cured/dried perfectly. I’m loving this gr...
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