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Boutique craft cannabis and extracts
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StonerSteve64·The.BH.Othority·1954d474 reviews

Creme Caramel - Thebhothority - December

The nose/taste is 9/10 it’s very sweet with a woody/berry aroma and tastes like candy. Top notch flavour in a vape and a smooth smoke.

Burns white/light grey ash 8.5/10.

Super dense nugs with a nice amount of trichomes. Bag appeal 9/10

The high feels like a heavy Indica...
StonerSteve64·The.BH.Othority·1955d474 reviews

Headbanger - Bhothority - December

Yes it’s definetely not mids so I don’t know if it’s for you ;)

Decent nose earthy/sour/pine and strong taste. Clean burn white ash and uplifting/euphoric effects. Same quality as all the other budsbI’ve had from them I would order it again
StonerSteve64·The.BH.Othority·1955d474 reviews

Cherry Pie #4 grown by Guru from HighgradeBC - Thebhothority - December

I have some gastown wedding cake thats very nice but have yet to try hub city. They are on my list to order from :)

Yeah I really liked this Cherry Pie #4 (AAAA -) but it’s nothing like the Pudding Pop #5 (AAAA+) IMO.
StonerSteve64·The.BH.Othority·1956d474 reviews

Violeta - Thebhothority - December

This is a nice strain but the nugs aren’t the nicest looking; fluffy and airy small buds. The high is a Indica dominant relaxing body buzz with an uplifting/euphoric head rush. Burns pure white ash and is very smooth. The smell is unique like sweet pine/earth with undertones of vinegar/lemon; Flav...

Bhothority- Where’s my bike

True Quads hands down. Smell is very pungent straight out the jar. Taste was smooth no harshness at all, plus all white ash.

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