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MCDaddy75·TheCannaSociety·1350d432 reviews

Purple Punch x Do-Si-Dos - The Canna Society - Sept

**Purple Punch x Do-Si-Dos from The Canna Society**

**Visual:** There was some nice crystal coverage on this one. Overall it was a light green but there were some bright greens and some purple leaves poking out from the buds as well. There were lots of rusty hairs all over. It was quite den...
klarence·TheCannaSociety·1353d12 reviews

Girl Scout Cookies - Thecannasociety - late june

Cannasociety - GSC - June (forgot to publish it)

Mom: Cannasociety

Strain: Girl Scout cookies (rated AAA)

Picture :

Delivery / package : was quick and well scell

Odor/Taste: Not disappointed at all. Very tasteful, kind of unique. Main...
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1355d117 reviews

Red Congolese - The Canna Society - August 2020

This one came really fresh and with good moisture. Very fruity and citrous - exact aroma you would expect for a pungent sativa. The appeal on this one is really unique. The fattest and thickest orange pistils I have seen to date. Very clean and slow burn. Effects are mostly in the head with a uplift...
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1356d117 reviews

Greasy Pink - The Canna Society - August 2020

*disclaimer - given as a sample

Nice dense nugs with good colour and the classic dank pink structure and appearance. Muted nose of earth and pine. The nose came through a bit more when grinded but not enough of that sweet gas. Heavy strong smoke with good potency. Only had it in the vape s...
FunkY_BeE·TheCannaSociety·1357d27 reviews

Purple Punch X Do-Si-Dos - TheCannaSociety - Late August 2020

Nicely grown and cured buds, lots of crystals, well trimmed and dense

Taste is a little plain, i was looking for a bold grape taste that never came... don’t get me wrong it doesn’t taste bad or anything, just nothing special to it

The buzz is very satisfying, very heavy body bu...
1 · · ·26 27 28 29 30 · · ·40



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