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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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Slayer_191·TheChronFather·1442d49 reviews

Screw Head OG / TCF / March 2021

I really like this stuff, earthy and piney, gassy. Buds are medium and some larger ones, sticky af. Good high, really makes me and my girlfriend laugh a lot for nothing, gives us the giggles. nothing to complain, very happy I picked this up.


Tom Ford gas diamonds - tcf - March 30

CRUNCH BERRY QUAD - the Chron father - March 30

RestEasyJames·TheChronFather·1442d5 reviews

Blackberry Platinum / TCF / March

Full review in time...

Nice big buds, taste is pretty muted, just tastes like weed, high is enjoyable and its decently potent.

Wish it would have came vac sealed, that was a let down as upon further inspection its pretty dry, going to go and get a boveda later. Doesn't rea...
jimthe1965·TheChronFather·1443d3 reviews

Holy Grail Tcf March 2021

Was that the bottoms up the bag? I had a bit of shake in the bottom of my tom Ford pink kush. Not a huge issue figure you would get a bit. But was also 1-2g short. Which was a little salt in the wound. But none the less the tfpk was a great smoke! I would defiantly order again.
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